Title: NRCS States By State
Originator: Bureau of the Census, Geography and Natural Resources Conservation Service
This is a dissolved version of the authoritative NRCS Counties map. The county map was dissolved to the state level to ensure that state boundary coordinates were identical to the coordinates of the county so that there would not be any gaps or overlaps at the state border.
Natural Resources Conservation Service(NRCS), Information Technology Center(ITC) and Farm Production and Conservation Business Center (FPAC BC) then value-added to the NRCS state map over the years by adding in several attribute fields.
This data set is not designed for use as a primary regulatory tool in permitting or citing decisions, but may be used as a reference source. This map is the authoritative source for states for NRCS. It is derived from the “NRCS Counties" data set, which was dissolved to the state level. It is meant for internal use in a variety of NRCS applications. For some of the Pacific Islands and atolls, every effort was made to position the geometry accurately, but due to a lack of source materials, no guarantees can be made regarding their positional accuracy.
Format: vector areas – ESRI shapefile
Spatial Reference Information: Decimal Degrees, North American Datum 1983