Title: NAIP Seam Lines by State
Originator: USDA-FSA Aerial Photography Field Office
The NAIP Statewide Seam Line dataset is comprised of polygons delineating the boundaries of imagery acquired as part of the National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP), and used in the creation of DOQQs hosted in FSA image services. Each polygon contains NAIP image acquisition date, aircraft, camera, and other attribute information. This index aids USDA Agencies in identifying source image date boundaries for the imagery provided through web services as they administer USDA programs for their customers.
This layer is similar to the shape file provided for each county of NAIP except that it covers an entire state.
The NAIP acquires 4-band digital ortho imagery from airborne and/or space based platforms during the agricultural growing seasons in the U.S. NAIP provides 1 meter or 1/2 meter ground sample distance ortho imagery rectified within +/- 6 meters to true ground at a 95% confidence level. The tiling format of NAIP imagery is based on a 3.75' x 3.75' quarter quadrangle with a 300 (plus or minus 30) pixel buffer on all four sides. The NAIP quarter quads are formatted to the UTM coordinate system using the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD83). The statewide seam line file, however, is in GCS NAD83 to support the image services.
USDA-FSA Aerial Photography Field Office relies on the integrity of the original data collection which was performed by private contractors. Data integrity was validated by the responsible private contractor or sub-contractor. The data set contains polygons that should not overlap, except in the case of overlap between flying seasons. There are no polygons that are entered twice, and all areas are completely described. The area features are topologically structured with nodes at all intersections. The dataset is comprised of polygons delineating portions of each exposure used as source data for each part of the underlying imagery, with no gaps in coverage.
Most current year imagery seam line files and associated attributes for the lower 48 states may be viewed by going to https://gis.apfo.usda.gov/arcgis/rest/services/NAIP/NAIP_Image_Dates/MapServer and viewing the data in an ArcGIS.com Map or in ArcMap. In addition, a National NAIP Metadata map, which shows seam line files for every year of NAIP and links to FGDC metadata files, is available in ArcGIS Online at https://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=d7eb04e3a14343b39cdc3503f5037003
For more information on NAIP, refer to geoplatform.gov at the following links:
For NAIP General Information: https://www.geoplatform.gov/node/243/b4d44592-9fb2-41a6-9358-6e81e6bbe2c9
For Planned NAIP: https://www.geoplatform.gov/node/276/61ad75c2-1b9d-4b45-98b1-fe47412539d5
Attribute information for the statewide seam line files is shown below. Note some attributes may be present in some files and not others. For example, electromagnetic spectrum range information was added in 2014 and does not exist in older year seam line files.
Label - Definition
IDATE - Imagery date defined by seam polygon
SDATE - Start date and time of acquisition for imagery defined by seam polygon
EDATE - End date and time of acquisition for imagery defined by seam polygon
BCON - Acquisition collection medium (band content), where NC is Natural Color, CIR is Color Infrared, and MB is Multi Band Imagery
CAM_TYPE - Camera type
CAM_MAN - Camera manufacturer
CAM_MOD - Camera model
SENSNUM - Sensor identification number, sensor head or lens serial number
HARD_FIRM - Camera system hardware/firmware major version used
AC_TYPE - Aircraft type
ACTAILNUM - Aircraft tail number
RED_RNGE - Red electromagnetic spectrum in nanometers
GREEN_RNGE - Green electromagnetic spectrum in nanometers
BLUE_RNGE - Blue electromagnetic spectrum in nanometers
NIR_RNGE - NIR electromagnetic spectrum in nanometers
Format: vector areas in ESRI Shape Files
Spatial Reference Information: Decimal Degrees, WGS84